Bharat Darshan – Discover the Star of India

A tribute to Annie Besant to recognize her as ‘Angel of India.’ The keynote of Annie Besant’s varied activities was her unswerving loyalty to Truth. As she said, “She (Truth) may lead me into wilderness, yet I must follow her; She may strip me of all love, yet I must pursue her; though She slay me, yet will I trust in her; and I ask no other epitaph on my tomb but ‘she tried to follow Truth’.”

Bharat Darshan – The consequences of Malthusian Catastrophe

Indians have to take a serious look at the problem of global warming, the climate changes that could be caused by human activities, the global shortage of drinking water, the shrinking glaciers and the melting ice fields in the Himalayas and its consequences on the volume of water that would flow down the major rivers that feed the Indian population.Indians have to consider the consequences of a “Malthusian Catastrophe.”

Bharat Darshan: A Barrier to conquer the Cultural Barrier

A tribute to General Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton: There could be social and cultural barriers between humans but those man-made barriers could be conquered by people who are dedicated to serving the humanity. Sometimes, a man-made barrier can bridge that cultural divide and could bring people together. A barrage is described as a man-made barrier in a stream or a river. By constructing barrages, Sir Arthur Thomas Cotton had shown that public service could help people to love one another.

Bharat Darshan -The concept of Repentance defines Indian Identity

In various cultures, the theme of repentance is deeply prevalent. To Jews it means following God’s will and achieving atonement, in Christianity it’s linked to the purification of sins through Jesus Christ, and in Islam, the concept involves rejecting other beliefs and adhering strictly to the teachings of the Quran. However, in India, repentance is viewed as a mental catharsis and a personal choice, with no connection to conversion or the remission of sins. It’s an act of self-purification leading to changed thoughts, desires, habits, and actions. Indians believe in submitting all actions to God, without hoping for any reward. Repentance is a concept that significantly defines the Indian Identity.


In a changing world, day follows night, Spring follows Winter with unchanging Constancy. In understanding Life and Death, man must seek the unchanging nature of Individuality, Consciousness, and Spiritual Connection.

Mental Health and the prevention of Suicide

The aim of this presentation is to understand the nature of man’s essence and existence in the physical world and to apply that information to prevent the problem of suicide.

Defining Indian Identity- The Pursuit of Pure and Perfect Knowledge

Indian Identity is defined by a culturally driven desire of a pursuit of Pure Knowledge and Perfect Wisdom. Philosophy of Medicine explores the underlying principles of human consciousness, and human existence.

Krupa – A force to preserve the human existence

Human Existence is transient, ephemeral, and fleeting. We need to seek the powerful and magnificent Force of Krupa to protect ourselves. Krupa brings a sense of Joy and imparts the taste of sweetness ( Madhurya ).

Man’s Creation – The evidence of Precision Grip

I could easily demonstrate that there are over six billion individual variations by simply testing the use of the precision grip by each individual. These differences are important and give us our identity and this is possible because each one of us is created in a very special manner.