Bharat Darshan – What is my relationship with myself?

What is my relationship with myself? I have forgotten all other relationships; How many mirrors that I have looked into, and yet I have forgotten my face.
Human existence raises some fundamental questions about individual’s identity, the purpose in life and the nature of human relationships. I love Hakeem Omar Khayyam for he had asked himself these questions. Does the image I see in the mirror describe my true identity ? Unless I define my identity, how it would be possible to describe my relationship with others. If I do not know as to who I am, why should I contemplate on issues such as my purpose in life and my destination? Self-Knowledge is the key to answer questions about existence.   

Man vs God: Who is the Pot Maker?

Man vs God: Who is the Pot Maker? It is very interesting to note that Indian thinkers like Saint Kabir Das are certain about man’s departure. It would be much more interesting to reflect upon as to how man arrives here in the first place. If we understand as to when and how man arrives on planet Earth, we could be more certain about man’s status in nature.

The Status of Man in Nature. Who or What formed the Man?

Man is added to nature by a special act of Creation. The status of Man in Nature is determined by the Law of Natural Generation, Bio-genetic Law, and the Law of Individuality. Could we view the behavior of man and animals and the phenomena of intelligence or mind and the constitution of psyche in confirmation with the doctrine of evolution? If man is a created being, he would exist as a spiritual being, and spirituality describes the connection between man and his Creator. If an immortal principle is involved in the creation of man, the nature or essence of man would describe the nature of that immortal principle. 

The problem of Selection Bias: Michigan Medicine AHEAD 3-45 Study

As a research participant, I am investigating the problem of Selection Bias in the Selection Process used by the Research Investigator at University of Michigan. The Selection Bias is inherent in the Selection process for it is gathering information of its human subjects outsides the boundaries of the declared purpose of the Study.

University of Michigan and Michigan Medicine must reject the concept of Race and Ethnicity to describe Asian/Indian Identity

In the Indian Tradition, the true or real identity of man is unrelated to the features of his morphological appearance which is subject to changes under the influence of time. These morphological traits are unreal and the real or true man always exists as a Specific Individual with unchanging Individuality and is associated with the vital, animating principle called Soul. The human Soul is capable of transmigrating across all known human races and ethnicities.

University of Michigan must reject the concept of Race and Ethnicity to identify the Human Species

The Michigan Medicine AHEAD study is examining the efficacy of a medication aimed at preventing Alzheimer’s Disease in individuals at increased risk of developing the disease. The study has, however, faced criticism regarding its focus on years of schooling and its lack of a research protocol to verify the identity and individuality of the human organism. Critics assert that biological processes like the flow of biological information and protein synthesis are not influenced by education level and that individuality should not be tied to factors such as race and ethnicity. The conceptualization of “life as knowledge in action” and that it is an interplay of cellular function and knowledge must be explored.

Michigan Medicine AHEAD Study has no Research Protocol to verify the Identity and Individuality of the Complex, Multicellular, Human Organism

Man describes his identity in terms of his personal name, age, gender, race, ethnicity, place of origin, language, religion, political, occupational, or social affiliation. In reality, the man is an association of trillions of individual cells. Michigan Medicine should have known better and must use valid, verified principles to identify every Human Being as a Specific Individual with Individuality without depending upon unverified claims about Race and Ethnicity.

Bharat Darshan. The Celebration of Narasimha Jayanti or Narasimha Chaturdashi on Thursday, May 04, 2023.

What’s in a Name? In the Indian tradition, all people including the LORD God Creator that we worship make their appearances under the influence of the Date, the Time, and the Place.

The cellular and the molecular basis of human identity and human individuality

Genes and the genetic codes are the tools that an organism uses to express its Individuality. Each organism assembles its own kind of protein molecules to define its identity and to defend its existence in the natural world. 

The Rudi-Grant Connection applies the knowledge of Human Anatomy to recognize Human Identity

The human organism is a conscious being and the function called consciousness achieves functional unity of all these individual cells and works for the benefit of the individual who always maintains his individuality.