Bharat Darshan celebrates Mother’s Day sharing the concept of Whole Angel

This piece pays tribute to Mother’s Day 2024, focusing on the significance of maternal cytoplasmic inheritance in human creation and existence. The author extols the divine principles of fatherhood and motherhood, which shape life through a three-fold inheritance: the human genome, cytoplasmic inheritance, and the inheritance of the physical and social environment. The author emphasizes the role of the mother cell in bequeathing life, energy, and knowledge, via the mitochondria – the cellular powerhouse. The mother cell also carries unique attributes that, in combination with paternal genes, ensure every human being displays their distinct individuality. The cell’s functionality in acquiring and distributing energy, and its cytoplasmic intelligence, are ascribed to maternal cytoplasmic inheritance.

Bharat Darshan – Discover the Star of India

A tribute to Annie Besant to recognize her as ‘Angel of India.’ The keynote of Annie Besant’s varied activities was her unswerving loyalty to Truth. As she said, “She (Truth) may lead me into wilderness, yet I must follow her; She may strip me of all love, yet I must pursue her; though She slay me, yet will I trust in her; and I ask no other epitaph on my tomb but ‘she tried to follow Truth’.”

The Rudi Connection at Whole Foods recommends the Fluid Concept of Mind to Set Your Mind Free

No one can imprison or enslave the human mind. The ‘fluidity’ of the mind will protect mind from sluggishness, dullness, inactivity, apathy and from being indifferent. Sarasvati bestows that river-like streaming and fluent speech which is an attribute of a mind that is set free.

The Material Wealth of the Fashion Angels

Materialism vs Spritualism: The relationship between Matter, Spirit, Man, and God. All the material wealth of the world cannot help man to synthesize a gram of his corporeal substance.

Set Your Mind Free and Let Sarasvati Flow

No one can imprison or enslave the human mind. The ‘fluidity’ of the mind will protect mind from sluggishness, dullness, inactivity, apathy and from being indifferent. Sarasvati bestows that river-like streaming and fluent speech which is an attribute of a mind that is set free.