Spiritualism vs Panpsychism. The concept of Whole Monad

What it is to be a Substance? and What it is to Exist? We need to establish knowledge about the man on a firm basis and the information it provides must be tested for its accuracy and consistency with an external reality. We have to make the fundamental distinction between the living and the non-living matter. The scientific advances of the 19th and 20th centuries reinforced the materialistic position concerning the basic similarity of organic living and inorganic physical matter. The man is viewed as a product of natural evolution and is thought to be subject to the same laws of Physics and Chemistry or mechanistic principles.

We need a methodology to study philosophy and to understand philosophical statements. Logical Positivism, also known as Scientific Empiricism aims to clarify concepts in both everyday and scientific language. It describes analysis of language as the function of philosophy. This analysis of language and of concepts is important to understand questions of belief and ideology which affect what we think we ought to do individually and socially. I would use this method of ‘Applied Philosophy’ to analyze the concept of Spiritual Optics, the Spiritual Connection between Energy and Life. The Laws of Thermodynamics are important unifying principles of Biology. The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Spiritual Optics accounts for the capacity of photoreception and the term Spiritual Light refers to the creation of Light by God to begin the designing of Matter described by Physics and Chemistry. I may not be able to discover the Purpose in my Life if I exist in Spiritual Darkness.


The word ‘monad’ means a unit, something simple and indivisible, and refers to unity. In Biology, monad refers to any simple, single-celled organism specifically a simple type of flagellated protozoa or protist. In Biology, the term monad is also used to describe any of the four nuclei formed at the completion of Meiosis, the process of cell division in which gametes such as ovum or sperm cell are produced. In Chemistry, monad refers to a monovalent atom, element, or radical. In Philosophy, monad is an entity or elementary being thought of as a microcosm or ultimate unit. Monadism is the theory that the universe consists of monads.

WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad refers to any simple, single-celled organism such as protozoa like Amoeba proteus. This monad is conscious, and performs intelligent actions. In its structure and function, the harmony is achieved by the vital, animating principle called Spirit or Soul.
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad refers to any simple, single-celled organism such as protozoa like Amoeba proteus. This monad is conscious, and performs intelligent actions. In its structure and function, the harmony is achieved by the vital, animating principle called Spirit or Soul.
WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad refers to any simple single-celled organism such as Chlamydomonas.
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad refers to any simple single-celled organism such as Chlamydomonas.
WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad is used to describe any of the four nuclei formed at the completion of cell division called Meiosis which is the most creative mechanism used during sexual reproduction to create Egg Cells or Sperm Cells which are Monads and have to unite to produce a new, complete human being who will always exist as unique, distinctive, one of its own kind of individual with a genome that never existed before, and will not exist in future.
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: In Biology, the term monad is used to describe any of the four nuclei formed at the completion of cell division called Meiosis which is the most creative mechanism used during sexual reproduction to create Egg Cells or Sperm Cells which are Monads and have to unite to produce a new, complete human being who will always exist as unique, distinctive, one of its own kind of individual with a genome that never existed before, and will not exist in future.


WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz(1646-1716), German philosopher and mathematician. His theory of monads is shared in his work  'Monadology'(1714).
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz(1646-1716), German philosopher and mathematician. His theory of Monad is shared in his work ‘Monadology’ (1714). According to Leibniz, the world is composed of atoms of energy that are psychic.

Leibniz is associated with the philosophical theory called ‘Panpsychism’ (from Greek – pan – all and psyche – soul) which asserts that a plurality of separate and distinct psychic beings or minds constitute reality. Panpsychism is distinguished from ‘Pantheism’ (everything is God). According to Leibniz, the world is composed of atoms of energy that are psychic.  These basic elements or atoms are named monads. These monads have different levels of consciousness; in inorganic reality they are sleeping, in animals they are dreaming, in man they are waking. Further, Leibniz asserts that God is the fully conscious monad. In the metaphysics of Leibniz, the basic constituent element of physical reality is an indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance. He allows just one type of element in the build of the universe. The unique element has been given the general name of monad. He describes a basic order of three things; 1. created monads, 2. souls with perception and memory, and 3. spirits or rational souls. The degree of perfection in each case corresponds to their psychic abilities. Leibniz tried to reason that everything exists according to a reason and everything which exists has a sufficient reason to exist. He tried to solve the problem of mind-body dualism introduced by Rene Descartes. Leibniz speaks of pre-established harmony that can solve the mind-body problem. Descartes thinks that the ‘soul’ is distinct from the physical body and its nature is to ‘think’. Leibniz opposed John Locke’s theory that the mind is a “tabula rasa”(blank tablet) at birth and humans learn only through the senses. John Locke defined consciousness as a psychological condition. It is described as the perception of what passes in a man’s mind. Consciousness is viewed as a form of relationship or act of the mind towards objects in nature. Leibniz is regarded as a universal genius and is regarded as a founder of modern science. He anticipated the development of symbolic logic and, independently of Newton invented the Calculus with a superior notation. He attempted to build an institutional framework for the Sciences in central Europe and Russia. At his urging the Brandenburg Society (The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities) was founded in 1700. The purpose of the Academy is that of bringing unity between Natural Sciences and Humanities.


WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities founded by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz in 1700. We have yet to establish and describe the reality using words to which a definite meaning is attached.
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities founded by Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz in 1700. We have yet to establish and describe the reality using words to which a definite meaning is attached.

Due to a lack of unity between Natural Sciences and Humanities, we are not able to describe the reality of man, and have failed to describe the reality of this universe using words to which a definite meaning is attached. The universe is build using units such as Matter, Energy, Space, and Time. Man is composed of atoms, and chemical elements like any other form of physical matter. The difference is that of the nature of existence. The physical, non-living matter requires no supply of energy from an external source to maintain its physical existence. The living things that include all “monads” apart from man need continuous supply of energy from the external environment to sustain existence. The atoms and chemical elements of man do have mass and energy and yet that energy is not available for maintaining the living condition.

WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Monad: I would like to describe the fertilized Egg Cell or Human Ovum called Zygote as a "Whole Monad." The entire human organism including the mind, and body is derived by the multiplication of this Single Cell, Single Unit, or Single Element. It is 'Whole' for it has Spirit or Soul that establishes the structural and functional harmony between the cells, tissues, and organ systems of the human being.
Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Monad: I would like to describe the fertilized Egg Cell or Human Ovum called Zygote as a “Whole Monad.” The entire human organism including the mind, and body is derived by the multiplication of this Single Cell, Single Unit, or Single Element. It is ‘Whole’ for it has Spirit or Soul that establishes the structural and functional harmony between the cells, tissues, and organ systems of the human being.

The term ‘Soul’ and ‘Spirit’ is often associated with attributes such as intelligence, consciousness, and mental activity such as thinking and discernment. The term ‘intelligence’ should not be limited to the cognitive and discerning abilities of mind or brain. If the term intellect refers to the ability to perform intelligent actions, we may have to consider that all living functions have the characteristics of intelligent actions as compared to mechanical or transitive actions that could be performed by non-living physical matter. I would like to define the word ‘intellect’ as the intuitive ability with which each individual living cell performs very complex, sequential, guided, purposeful, and selective functions to maintain its own living condition. Knowledge is implanted in the substance called living matter to give it the ability to perform intelligent functions. What Leibniz has not recognized is the ‘dynamic’ nature of this basic substance or element that he has named as monad. This substance maintains its constant, unchanging nature while undergoing a change during its entire period of existence. Life is a dynamic process that involves the repair or replacement of its constituent organic molecules and taking immanent action that is called growth and development. This dynamic process is influenced by the operation of Time and manifests itself using the dimension called Space. For this reason, I would like to describe the LORD God Creator as a Whole Artist, Whole Architect, Whole Planner, and a Whole Designer who uses the building blocks of Matter, Energy, Space, and Time in a creative manner to establish the experience of reality such as the man while imposing illusion to conceal the harsh realities of the world using the Force/Power/Energy called Maya in the Indian Schools of Thought.

WHOLE DUDE – WHOLE DESIGNER – MATTER AND SPIRIT: If materialism is about the influence of money and material wealth, I would like to use the Power/Force/Energy called Money to talk about Life and Death. The Law of Conservation is applicable to both the living, and the non-living physical matter. For that reason, It can be claimed, Life is neither created nor destroyed. If any person can refute my claim using valid, scientific information, I would give the person a US $1,000 bill as a reward.

Simon Cyrene

The Material Basis of Spirituality Science. Spiritual Optics. The Unity of Science and Humanities. The Elementary Particles described by Quantum Physics have no consciousness.

Published by WholeDude

Whole Man - Whole Theory: I intentionally combined the words Whole and Dude to describe the Unity of Body, Mind, and Soul to establish the singularity called Man.