Whole Help – Whole Guide to understand the Complexities of Life

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man

I seek the existence of Soul or Spirit in a substance that is basic to life activities, and in a material that is responsible for all living processes. I, therefore, propose that the understanding of the true or real nature of this ground substance of all living matter will help man to discover peace, harmony, and tranquility in all of his internal and external relationships while man exists in a physical environment as a member of a social group, social community, and Society. In this blog post, I would like to pay my respectful tribute to Jan Evangelista Purkinje and Hugo Von Mohl for their great contribution to the scientific understanding of the living substance, living material, and living matter.

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of the Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Yes indeed, Life is Complicated. On Friday, June 10, 2022, I made a phone call to inquire about the Complexities of Life. My call is answered with very sweet words, How Can I Help You?

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of the Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Life is a Complicated Journey. I am in need of a Guide who may ask me, How Can I Help You?

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of the Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Whole Dude – Whole Journey – Whole Spirituality

Whole Dude’s Whole Journey Called Whole Spirituality. The Journey to be Successful and Safe, must proceed on TRACKS that are firmly and properly laid on Ground. I name the Tracks of Life’s Journey as Whole Spirituality. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Friday, June 10, 2022, the Tenth Anniversary of the Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Whole Dude demonstrates the fact of his Love; the Love of Whole Foods during a Life Journey that is measured as Service Hours. He rendered Service of about 56, 000 hours with no reported unscheduled absence from work. Over the last 27 years of this Life Journey, Whole Dude never missed a single day of work due to illness, sickness, or injury. Apparently, Whole Dude does not find the Service to be dull, uninteresting, monotonous, tedious, or boring. The lack of boredom during the course of time devoted to Whole Foods could be verified by the fact that Whole Dude has accumulated over 4, 430 hours of Paid Time Off or paid vacation time of about three years. In other words, Whole Dude says that he finds in his Life Journey the experience of psychological satisfaction; mental contentment that establishes happiness in mind and joy in heart. To verify the accuracy of this statement, Whole Dude is disclosing the fact that he does not use alcohol, tobacco, or any other recreational substance to find happiness in his Life Journey. To attest this fact, Whole Dude participated in Community Volunteer Service over several years and the Volunteers are routinely screened to verify that they do not use drugs or alcohol. The reason for finding happiness and joy in living experience is because of Whole Dude’s respectful relationship, his partnership, his association, his bonding, and his connection with a nourishing substance that he calls Whole Food. His Journey has given the insight to know the true or real nature of Whole Food. Whole Dude defines Whole Food as the nutritional substance that supports the man’s physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual well-being. These five components of well-being are important to have the experience of peace, harmony, and tranquility in human living condition.

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of the Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You? Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

From the beginning of human history, the ideas about spiritualism, and spirituality included a serious concern to find peace, harmony, and tranquility in the living human experience. During the course of his Life Journey, Whole Dude discoveres that Food serves the function of a spiritual medium that fosters unity between man’s body, mind, and soul which generates the peace, harmony, and tranquility that man experiences in his living condition.

No man is truly capable of independent existence that excludes the social community and the physical environment in which he exists. Whole Dude is saying that he is supporting his biological existence because of an Inheritance that includes the Community and a favorable environment which is keeping his Life Journey on sound tracks. The term Tracks is used to describe a pair of parallel steel rails on which freight cars, passenger cars, street cars, and other rolling stock are drawn by powered locomotives. During 1880s, the width of railroad tracks were standardized at 4 feet, 8 and half inches (1.44 m). The railroad tracks are laid on a firm, and well-prepared ground to ensure their stability and a durable metal like steel is used to support its sustained use. The Journey that proceeds on the right Tracks is a Whole Journey and Whole Dude names those Tracks as Whole Spirituality.  

Whole Dude – Whole Journey – Whole Spirituality. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Rudolf is reborn as Rudi to describe the spiritual connection between the Cell and its Energy Provider

Rudolf is reborn as Rudi to describe the spiritual connection between Cell and its Energy Provider. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Rudi acknowledges his German heritage at Whole Foods when he discovered the spiritual connection between man, food, and God. Whole Foods, Whole People, and Whole Planet are connected by a material substance called Protoplasm or Cytoplasm, a divine plan to provide nourishment to Life.

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection. The Discovery of Whole Spirituality at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor can be best described as the concept of Whole Spirituality, the three dimensional spiritual relationship between the multicellular human organism, food, and God.

Rudolf is reborn as Rudi to describe the spiritual connection between Cell and its Energy Provider. The 3-Dimensional Spiritual Relationship between Man, Food, and God. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Spiritualism – The Cell Theory of Spirituality:

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection. The Discovery of Whole Spirituality at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

In Biology, cell is the basic or fundamental unit of structure, function, and organization in all living things or it is the building block of life. Let me begin with my respectful tribute to some of the people who contributed to ‘The Cell Theory’, one of the foundations of Biological Sciences. Cells were first observed in the 17th century shortly after the discovery of the microscope. Robert Hooke, british curator of instruments at The Royal Society of London, during 1665 coined the word cell. Dutch microscopist Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) made over 247 microscopes and examined microorganisms and tissue samples. He gave the first complete descriptions of bacteria, protozoa (which he called animalcules), spermatozoa, and striped muscle. He also studied capillary circulation and observed Red Blood Cells.

Robert Hooke, british curator of instruments at The Royal Society of London coined the term cell during 1665. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.
Dutch microscopist Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1668-80) studied capillary circulation and observed Red Blood Cells. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

Improvements in microscopy during early 19th century permitted closer observation and the significance of cells had received better understanding. Matthias Jakob Schleiden (1838), german botanist, Theodor Schwann (1839), german physiologist, and Rudolf Virchow (1855), german pathologist, and others made important contributions to the Cell Theory that describes cell as the building block of all Life.

Schleiden, Professor of Botany, The University of Jena studied plant structure under the microscope, published “Contibutions to Phytogenesis”(1838). He had also published the two-volume text of ‘Principles of Scientific Botany’. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.
Schwann founder of modern Histology extended the Cell Theory of Plants to animals in his ‘Microscopic Researches into Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants(1839). Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.
Schwann discovered Myelin Sheath covering peripheral axons, now termed Schwann Cells. He coined the term ‘Metabolism’ for the chemical changes that take place in living tissues. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.
Rudolf Virchow,german pathologist in 1855 coined the biological dictum “OMNIS CELLULA E CELLULA” – All living cells arise only from pre-existing living cells. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

The Cell is the smallest unit in the living organism that is capable of carrying on the essential life processes of sustaining metabolism for producing energy and reproducing. Many simple, small, single-celled organisms like Protozoa perform all life functions. In higher, complex, bigger, multicellular organisms, groups of cells are structurally and functionally differentiated into specialized tissues and organ systems. Thus, the Cell Theory includes the following foundational principles of the Biological Sciences:

1. All living things are made up of cells. Cell is the most elementary or basic unit of Life. 

2. Cell is a fundamental unit of structure, function, and organization in all living things including plants and animals.

3. Cells only rise from division of previously existing cells.

4. All cells are similar in composition, form, and function. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition (in spite of variations) in organisms of similar species. For example, all the solid tissues in the human body can be shown to consist largely of similar cells; differing it is true, but that are essentially similar to an Ovum.

5. The cells exhibit functional autonomy. The activity of an organism depends on the total activity of ‘INDEPENDENT’ cells.

6. Energy flow (metabolism and biochemistry) occurs within cells.

7. Cells contain hereditary, biological information (DNA) which is passed from cell to cell during cell division.

The Cell Theory of Spirituality:

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. Rudolf Virchow, Photograph, 1893. Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902). Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

The basic or fundamental unit of life in the human organism is derived from the fertilized egg cell that eventually develops into a complete organism. The most significant feature of similarity between the cells of the human body is the presence of a soft, gelatinous, semi-fluid, granular material inside the cell. This substance known as Protoplasm or Cytoplasm, or Cytosol is similar to the ground substance found in the Ovum or the Egg Cell.

Human Ovum Structure – The Cell Theory of Spirituality is based upon the Substance, Structure, Form, Organization, Function, Action and Interactions of this Single Fertilized Egg Cell that eventually develops into a complete human organism. Whole Dude often describes his Love of Whole Foods as if Love can be measured using the Units of Measurement used by man.

This viscous, translucent, colloidal substance is enclosed in a membrane called Cell Membrane, Plasma Membrane or Biological Membrane. A small spherical body called nucleus is embedded in the Protoplasm of the cell. The three essential features of any living cell in the human body are that of the presence of protoplasm, the nucleus, and the cell membrane.

Protoplasm – The Ground Substance of Spiritualism and Spirituality:

I seek the existence of Soul or Spirit in a substance that is basic to life activities, and in a material that is responsible for all living processes. I, therefore, propose that the understanding of the true or real nature of this ground substance of all living matter will help man to discover peace, harmony, and tranquility in all of his internal and external relationships while man exists in a physical environment as a member of a social group, social community, and Society. In this blog post, I would like to pay my respectful tribute to Jan Evangelista Purkinje and Hugo Von Mohl for their great contribution to the scientific understanding of the living substance, living material, and living matter.

Jan Evangelista Purkyne(Czech name), Jan Evangelista Purkinje(German name)also known as Johannes Evangelist Purkinje, b. December 17, 1787, d. July 28, 1869. The pioneer Czech experimental Physiologist whose investigations in the fields of Histology, Embryology,and Pharmacology helped create a modern understanding of the eye and vision, brain and heart function, mammalian reproduction, and the composition of cells.

Purkinje conducted his research on human vision at the University of Prague and later on, he served there as a Professor of Physiology (1850-69). He went to Germany and was appointed the Chair of Physiology and Pathology (1823-50) at the University of Breslau, Prussia. There Purkinje created the world’s first independent Department of Physiology (1839) and the first Physiological Laboratory (Physiological Institute, 1842). He is best known for his discovery of large nerve cells with many branching extensions found in the cortex of Cerebellum of the brain (Purkinje Cells, 1837). He discovered the fibrous tissue that conducts electrical impulses from the ‘pacemaker’ called Atrioventricular node or A-V node along the inside walls of the ventricles to all parts of the heart to help in Cardiac contractile function (Purkinje Fibers, 1839). In 1835, he invented and introduced the scientific term ‘Protoplasm’ to describe the ground substance found inside young animal embryo cells. He discovered the sweat glands of the skin (1833); he discovered the nine configuration groups of Fingerprints used in biometric identification of man (1823); he described the germinal vesicle or nucleus of the unripe ovum that now bears his name (1825), and he noted the protein digesting power of pancreatic extracts (1836).

Hugo Von Mohl, b. April 08, 1805, d. April 01, 1872, German Botanist noted for his research on the anatomy and physiology of plant cells.

Hugo Von Mohl named the granular, colloidal material that made up the main substance of the plant cell as “Protoplasm” in 1846. Purkinje invented the word, but Hugo gave more clarity, understanding, and knowing the nature of this ground substance. He viewed cell as an “elementary organ” and in Physiology he explained Protoplasm as an organ of Motion or Movement, Nutrition, and Reproduction. It is the preliminary material in cellular generation. He was the first to propose that new cells are formed by division of preexisting cells and he had observed this process of Cell Division in the algal cells of Conferva glomerata. His observations are very important to understand the Cell Theory that explains cells as the basic building blocks of Life. He was the first to investigate the phenomenon of the stomatal openings in leaves.

The Ground Substance of Spiritualism and Spirituality. The vital characteristics, the animating principles of Protoplasm could be known by observing Amoeba proteus. The Living Substance works as an organ of Motion or Movement, as an organ of Nutrition, and as an organ of Reproduction to generate new cells which have a life span of their own. In these physiological functions, I describe the characteristics such as Cognition, Consciousness, Memory, and Intelligence which have a Spiritual role as they bring functional unity and harmony in the interactions between different parts of the same individual organism while it exists in an environment as a member of a biological community.

Protoplasm is a complex, viscous, translucent solution of such materials as salts and simple sugars with other molecules, mostly proteins and fats, in a colloidal state, that is dispersed but not dissolved in one another. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen constitute more than 90 percent of Protoplasm.

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.
The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

It exhibits properties such as Protoplasmic Streaming or Cytoplasmic Streaming or Motion that is called “Amoeboid Movement.” It has the intrinsic power to change its shape and position. It has the power of Nutrition by which it can attract and obtain the materials necessary for its growth and maintenance from surrounding matter/environment.

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

The living functions such as Nutrition, Cellular Respiration, and Reproduction performed by Cytoplasm involve acquiring, processing, retaining, and using information to perform tasks in a sequential manner for a predetermined purpose and hence describe Consciousness, Memory, and Intelligence.

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality. Cellular respiration is a set of metabolic reactions and processes that take place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products.
The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.
The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.
The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

The terms Soul and Spirit belong to the materialistic realm where the Physical Reality of man’s biological existence is established. I have not yet discovered any good reason to use the terms Soul and Spirit as a metaphysical or transcendental Reality.

The Inheritance of Cytoplasmic Membrane or Cell or Plasma Membrane:

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality. Living cells have a corporeal substance called Protoplasm that has the ability of Spiritual Biotic Interactions. The Biological Membrane or Cell Membrane separates the cell from its environment and other living cells present in the environment. Cells use unique proteins, biological molecules and receptor sites to recognize the other living cells and use chemical signals to facilitate the interactions. Such interactions between living cells have the characteristics of consciousness or awareness.
The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality. Cytoplasmic Membrane or Cell Membrane is an integral feature of Cytoplasm, a limiting membrane devised by Cytoplasm to create boundaries to perform its numerous living functions.

The Functions of Cytoplasmic Membrane or Cell Membrane or Biological Membrane:

1. Protection: It protects the cell from its surroundings or extracellular environment. Plant cell possess wall over the plasma membrane for extra protection and support. 

2. Holding cell contents: Plasma membranes hold the semi fluid protoplasmic contents of the cell intact; thus keeping the individuality of the cell.

3. Selective Permeability: Cell membrane allows only selected or specific substances to enter into the cell and are impermeable to others. 

  • Gases like O2 and CO2 can diffuse rapidly in solution through membranes.
  • Small compounds like H2O and methane can easily pass through where as sugars, amino acids and charged ions are transported with the help of transport proteins.
  • The size of the molecules which can pass through the plasma membrane is 1-15 A0. This property is responsible for keeping a cell ‘as a cell’, an individual unit. 

4. Shape: It maintains form and shape of the cell. It serves as site of anchorage or attachment of the cytoskeleton; thus providing shape to the cell (especially in animal cells without cell wall). 

5. Organelles: Cell membrane delimits or covers all sub-cellular structures or organelles like nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies etc. thus protecting them form the surroundings and also helps in maintaining a constant internal environment.

6. Compartmentalization: Cell membrane separate the cells from their external environment and cell organelle from cytosol. It help the cells and their organelles to have their own microenvironments, structural and functional individuality. 

7. Cell Recognition: With the help of glycolipids and glycoproteins on its surface, cell membranes are able to differentiate similar cells from dissimilar ones, foreign substances and cells own materials. Cell recognition is useful for tissue formation and defence against microbes. 

8. Antigens: Cell membranes possess antigens which determine blood grouping, immune response, acceptance or rejection of a transplant (graft rejection by MHC’s on plasma membrane). 

9. Microvilli: They are microscopic finger like projections of plasma membrane present on some cells like intestinal epithelial cells, which are involved in a wide variety of functions, including increasing surface area for absorption, secretion, cellular adhesion etc.

10. Sheaths of cilia and flagella: Cilia and flagella are projections from the cell; made up of microtubules which are covered by an extension of the plasma membrane.

11. Cytoplasmic bridges in plasmodesmata and gap junctions: Plasmodesmata in plant cells and gap junctions in animal cells; meant for intercellular transport and communication, form cytoplasmic bridges between adjacent cells through plasma membrane.

12. Endocytosis and Exocytosis: Bulk intake of materials or endocytosis occurs through development of membrane vesicles or invagination and engulfing by plasma membrane.

Exocytosis: It is reverse of endocytosis that provides for releasing waste products and secretory materials ot of the cells with the help of plasma membrane. 

13. Impulse transmission in neurons: The transmission of a nerve impulse along a neuron from one end to the other occurs as a result of electrical changes across the plasma membrane of the neuron

14. Cell metabolism: Cell membranes control cell metabolism through selective permeability and retentivity of substances in a cell. 

15. Electron transport chain in bacteria: In bacteria; Electron transport chain is located in cell membrane.

16. Osmosis through cell membrane: It is movement of solvent molecules (generally water) from the region of less concentrated solution to the region of high concentrated solution through a semi permeable membrane. Here the semi permeable membrane that helps in osmosis is the cell membrane. Eg: Root cells take up water from the soil by osmosis 

17. Carrier proteins for active transport: They occur in the cell membranes and control active transport of substances. Example, GLUT1 is a named carrier protein found in almost all animal cell membranes that transports glucose across the bilayer or plasma membrane.

18. Plasma Membrane enzymes: Many enzymes are present on the plasma membrane with wide variety of catalytic activity. Example: Red blood cell plasma membranes contain a number of enzymes such as ATPases, anion transport protein, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, protein kinases, adenylate cyclase, acetylcholinesterase.

19. Cell Membrane Receptors: Receptor on the plasma membrane performs signal transduction, converting an extracellular signal into an intra-cellular signal. Membrane possess receptors for hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies and several other biochemicals.

20. Plasma membrane assisted Cell movements: Undulation and pseudopodia are cell membrane phenomenon involved in cell movement. Amoeba, macrophages and WBCs move with the helps of temporary organelles like pseudopodia. Pseudopods are temporary cytoplasmic projections of the cell membrane in certain unicellular protists such as Amoeba. Some mammalian cells such as fibroblasts can move over a solid surface by wave like undulations of the plasma membrane.

The Ground Substance of Spiritualism and Spirituality. The vital characteristics, the animating principles of Protoplasm could be known by observing Amoeba proteus. The Living Substance works as an organ of Motion or Movement, as an organ of Nutrition, and as an organ of Reproduction to generate new cells which have a life span of their own. In these physiological functions, I describe the characteristics such as Cognition, Consciousness, Memory, and Intelligence as spiritual attributes of Life as they bring functional unity and harmony in the interactions between different parts of the same individual organism while it exists in an environment as a member of a biological community.

The Spirituality of Substance, Function, Organization, Action, and Interactions:

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection. The Discovery of Whole Spirituality at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

To establish the biological existence of the human organism, I add the concept of Spiritualism and Spirituality to the Cell Theory.

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

The Single Fertilized Egg Cell has ground substance that is of Spiritual nature and the Spiritualism and Spirituality consists of the following functional, and organizational characteristics:

1. The Cell is Conscious of its own existence and knows its internal condition and knows it external environment.

2. The Cell is intelligent and it has the cognitive abilities like perception and memory to acquire information, to retain information, to recall information, and to use information in the performance of its complex tasks in a sequential manner.

3. The Cell has the ability to show characteristics such as mutual cooperation, mutual tolerance, and display functional subordination and subservience while being independent.

4. The Cell grows, divides, and develops into a complete organism while it acquires substances and energy from an external environment. The power of Protoplasm/Cytoplasm to attract matter found in its external environment is called Nutrition. The Cell continuously transforms matter to build matter of its own kind for its own benefit to sustain its  existence with its own identity and individuality. The Organism represents a social group or a biological community of Cells. The Spiritual nature of Protoplasm/Cytoplasm brings this functional harmony and unity in the Social Group or Biotic Community of Cells by bringing together its Essence and Existence.

5. The Cell Theory is incomplete for it does not describe the conditioned nature of the Cell’s existence. The Cell represents a Living System that is thermodynamically unstable. It requires a constant supply of matter and energy from its external environment to sustain its living functions. The concept of Whole Spirituality formulates the connection between the Cell and its external source of matter and energy.

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection. The Discovery of Whole Spirituality at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor. The Bone Marrow smear from a patient of Leukemia or Blood Cancer helps to illustrate the nature of Biotic Interactions in the Social Group or Biotic Community that represents the singularity called man. The true or real man can only be discovered by the microscopic study of the Cells that constitute the Organism.

The theoretical claims about Spirit and Soul, the religious and philosophical doctrines of Spiritualism and Spirituality must be verified using the Cell Theory that defines the human organism. To describe Soul or Spirit as  nonmaterial or immaterial Self will not help man to know the real or true man.

The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

Simon Cyrene

The Rudolf and Rudi Connection. The Discovery of Whole Spirituality at Whole Foods, Ann Arbor. God created Cytoplasm or Protoplasm as the Ground Substance of Spirituality.

Whole Foods, Whole People, and Whole Planet come together in a Wholesome Relationship as God is the Energy Provider, the Original Source of Matter and Energy for Life.

Friday, June 10, 2022. The Tenth Anniversary of The Rudolf-Rudi Connection at Whole Foods. How Can I Help You?

Published by WholeDude

Whole Man - Whole Theory: I intentionally combined the words Whole and Dude to describe the Unity of Body, Mind, and Soul to establish the singularity called Man.

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