Living Tibetan Spirits – Nature’s Agenda – Tibet Equilibrium

In my analysis, Tibet Equilibrium is about balancing physical force applied by Communist regime to overcome Nature’s Agenda of granting freedom without asking questions. Living Tibetan Spirits speak of Nature’s Agenda in Tibet. Freedom and Independence are gifts of Nature quietly operating across Tibetan Plateau long before the arrival of Anatomically Modern Man. Occupying force wielded by Communist China creates imbalance, disharmony, and discord in the lives of Tibetans who view freedom as natural experience.

Doom Dooma Doomsayer predicts heavenly strike by asteroid – Beijing Doomed

President Reagan suggests that the answers for all the problems men face are found within the covers of The Bible. The problems of man do not always need human interventions like insurrection, rebellion, warfare, and other forms of physical force that man uses to resolve conflicts. President Reagan shares a hope that human struggle for Freedom, Fairness, and Justice could be resolved without using bombs, rockets, armies, or military might. In the last book of The New Testament called ‘Revelation’ I discovered a hidden prophecy that graphically describes the downfall of The Evil Red Empire.