June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

Professional Wellness Month is celebrated each year in June and it throws light on the workplace’s role in creating a holistic environment for employees. It also focuses on how organizations that place emphasis on professional wellness are largely successful, attract top talent, and drive employee retention.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

I ask my readers to reject the assumptions and the criteria described by the Fair Labor Standards Act as they contribute to Unequal Employment Opportunities at the American Workplace. As such the Fair Labor Standards Act is not consistent with the Natural Law principle of Equality that formulates the Supreme Law of this Land. We need just one plan to promote the wellness of all workers without making any distinctions such as the hourly wage earners and the salaried class imposed by the US Labor Law FLSA.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

Theory of Man precedes Theory of Health

In my analysis, there can be no ‘Theory of Health’ without sharing a ‘Theory of Man’. The question, “What is health?” cannot be asked without raising the question, “What is man?”

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

In my view, ‘ the existence of a man always precedes the essence of the man’. For that reason, the biological basis of the man’s existence must be identified to define the living entity called man. The natural event called ‘death’ precedes the natural event called ‘birth’ which heralds the arrival of newborn Life. The newborn always arrives after several programmed cellular death events.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

The man’s existence in any condition, good health or ill-health, at any age, at any given time and place, depends upon Mercy, Grace, and Compassion (Sanskrit. KRUPA or KRIPA) of LORD God Creator. The man does not exist in the natural world because of his physical and mental work. The man needs input of matter and energy, from an external source, from the moment of conception to the conclusion of his entire life journey. The man’s existence is always conditioned as he cannot regulate either internal, or external factors that determine the fact of his existence.

The Medical Science fails to define the term ‘health’ for it fails to define the term ‘man’. To attach meaning to health, I must attach meaning to the word called ‘man’.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

The man represents a biological or biotic community of trillions of individuals; independent, living cells with individuality. The Man is also a natural host to trillions of microbes. Human life must be defined in terms of biotic interactions; both intraspecific, and interspecific biotic interactions.

I ask the Medical Science to apply the principles of Clinical Medicine not only to diagnose ill health but also to diagnose good and perfect or ‘Whole Health’ for the man is created by entity called God who is always Perfect and Whole.

Theory of Man–The Spectrum of Seven Colors

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health.

My ‘Theory of Man’ defines the Man as the ‘Spectrum of Seven Colors’. Isaac Newton could easily verify his ‘Theory of Light’ by conducting his critical experiment in which he used two prisms to breakdown and to reconstitute white light rays. In case of Man, such experimental verification is not possible as Science does not have the capability to breakdown the man and reconstitute him. However, Science provides verified information about the building blocks of life and about basic living functions such as ‘Metabolism’ which essentially involve making, breaking, and repairing ‘Molecules of Life’.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

Man – The Spectrum of Seven Colors

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

For purposes of defining Man the concept of Light Spectrum is useful. Light Spectrum appears continuous with no distinct boundaries.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

The ‘Singularity’ called Man can be easily witnessed at conception at the stage of Single, fertilized Egg Cell.


The study of Man during all stages of his physical existence provides information about Man’s Seven Dimensions or Seven Colors. These are, 1. The Physical, Mortal Being, 2. The Mental Being, 3. The Social Being, 4. The Moral Being, 5. The Spiritual Being, 6. The Created Being, and 7. The Rational Being. Science called Cell & Molecular Biology can account for biomolecules of life and yet do not explain or account for the constitution of Man as a Rational Being.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health

Sixth-Day Adventist integrated plan for physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual wellbeing of all classes of workers

This painting the Vitruvian Man( c. 1492 ) by Leonardo da Vinci displays a spirit of scientific inquiry. What is Man? The understanding of human nature will help to promote man’s well-being.Sixth-Day Adventist integrated plan for physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual wellbeing of all classes of workers

Our efforts to support the well-being of Man get affected by our understanding the ‘real’ or ‘true’ nature of Man. I recognize Man’s Existence with Seven Forms or Dimensions. These are, 1. the Physical Being described by Human Anatomy, Human Physiology and other Medical Sciences, the human being in health and sickness, 2. the Mental Being, the intellect, thoughts and emotional states of Man described by Psychology and Psychiatry, 3. the Social Being described by Social Sciences, 4. the Moral Being described by Moral Science and Ethics, the power of discernment used by Man to make distinction between good and evil, and right and wrong, 5. the Spiritual Being described by Vital Power, Animating /Sensible Properties, and Conscious/Cognitive abilities of Man’s Corporeal Substance that develops and builds the cells, tissues, and organs of Human Body, 6. the Created Being which is reflected in the existence of man as an Individual with Individuality without any choice, and 7. the Rational Being which directs man to reconcile his behavior with his true or real nature that makes the man to review the actions performed in the external environment.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health. SPIRITUALITY SCIENCE – WHOLISTIC MEDICINE: THE DEFINITION OF WHOLE PERSON. 1. CONSCIOUS BEING, 2. PHYSICAL BEING, 3. MENTAL BEING, 4. SOCIAL BEING, 5. MORAL BEING, 6. SPIRITUAL BEING, and 7. CREATED BEING. This entire Human Organism is derived from a Single, Fertilized Egg Cell.

The Six Dimensions of Man contribute to six kinds of Behavior of Man; the physical, mental, social, moral, spiritual and creative facets of Behavior. For example, muscle cell displays the behavior of contraction in response to a stimulus; it is able to contract because of its contractile nature which gives it the power of contracting. 

I account for Spiritual Dimension of Human Nature as that of generating a Singular, Harmonious Effect in the working of trillions of cells giving Man power or ability to perform his living functions such as Respiration and display his characteristic Behaviors like Feeding, and Reproduction.

I define the term Health as a systematic study of the Physical, Mental, Moral, Social, and Spiritual aspects of Man’s Well-Being while the man exists as a Created Being.

June is Professional Wellness Month – The Theory of Man precedes the Theory of Health. Sixth-Day Adventist integrated plan for physical, mental, social, moral, and spiritual wellbeing of all classes of workers

Published by WholeDude

Whole Man - Whole Theory: I intentionally combined the words Whole and Dude to describe the Unity of Body, Mind, and Soul to establish the singularity called Man.

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