Living Tibetan Spirits Welcome The Resolve Tibet Act

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

I am not a “Separatist.” I am not seeking the Separation of Tibet from China. Tibet is not and has never been a part of China. Separation is not the issue. Tibet is seeking its own existence and its own identity. Tibet is not asking for a new identity or creation of a new state from Chinese territory. Tibet is not demanding a surgical operation to carve out a new nation from an existing nation known as People’s Republic of China. The Problem of Tibet simply relates to the military occupation of the Land of Tibet by China. This Problem could be resolved by the Eviction of the Occupier. It is just to demand such eviction of an illegal occupier. Military occupation is the cause of this Problem of Tibet and eviction of this military force is the resolution that I want in Tibet.  

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

Resolve Tibet Act: Bipartisan Legislation Enhancing U.S. Support for Tibet Passes Congress

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

Resolve Tibet Act Helps Counter Chinese Government Misinformation about Tibet; Pushes for Negotiation Between Chinese Government and the Dalai Lama to End Longstanding Dispute

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

Washington, June 12, 2024

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

WASHINGTON—The House has passed a bipartisan bill introduced by U.S. Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Senators Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Todd Young (R-IN) to enhance U.S. support for Tibet and promote dialogue between the People’s Republic of China and the Dalai Lama toward a peaceful resolution of the long-standing dispute between Tibet and China.

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

The Resolve Tibet Act first passed the House last February, clearing the Senate last month before today’s final procedural vote. It now goes to President Biden, who is expected to sign it into law.

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

The Resolve Tibet Act enhances U.S. support for Tibet— empowering State Department officials to actively and directly counter disinformation about Tibet from the Chinese government, rejecting false claims that Tibet has been part of China since “ancient times,” pushing for negotiations without preconditions between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama or his representatives or the democratically elected leaders of the Tibetan community, and affirming the State Department’s responsibility to coordinate with other governments in multilateral efforts toward the goal of a negotiated agreement on Tibet.No formal dialogue between Tibetan and Chinese authorities has happened since 2010, and Chinese officials continue to make unreasonable demands of the Dalai Lama as a condition for further dialogue.

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

“Let the overwhelming passage of our strong, bipartisan bill be a clear message to the Tibetan people: America stands with you on the side of human dignity, and we support you in your quest to secure the basic rights to which you are entitled under international law,” said Ranking Member McGovern. 

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

“The People’s Republic of China has systematically denied Tibetans the right to self-determination and continues to deliberately erase Tibetan religion, culture, and language. The ongoing oppression of the Tibetan people is a grave tragedy, and our bill provides further tools that empower both America and the international community to stand up for justice and peace.”

“Tibetans, like all people, have the right to religious freedom – which includes freedom from CCP surveillance, censorship, and detention,” said House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul.

“If the CCP truly does respect ‘sovereignty’ as it claims to do then it will engage in peaceful dialogue with the Tibetans to resolve this conflict, not force the Tibetans to accept a CCP proposal. Passing this bipartisan bill demonstrates America’s resolve that the CCP’s status quo in Tibet is not acceptable.”

“The people of Tibet deserve to be in charge of their own future, and, today, Congress has voted to stand with Tibetans in their struggle for freedom and self-determination,” said Senator Merkley, co-chair of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. 

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

“The Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act helps counter misinformation from the Chinese government about Tibet and pushes for negotiations between the People’s Republic of China and Tibet to end this longstanding dispute. I look forward to President Biden swiftly signing this bill into law—the people of Tibet cannot wait any longer.”

“Our bipartisan bill will refresh U.S. policy towards Tibet and push for negotiations that advance freedom for the Tibetan people and a peaceful resolution to the CCP’s conflict with the Dalai Lama,” said Senator Young. “Congressional passage of this legislation further demonstrates America’s resolve that the CCP’s status quo – both in Tibet and elsewhere – is not acceptable. I look forward to this important effort becoming law and working with my colleagues and the Administration to ensure swift and effective implementation.”  

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.


Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years. In size Tibet is as large as three States of Texas combined. It is surrounded by four of the world’s ten highest mountains. It is home to about six million Tibetan people. Communist China’s military occupation has changed the population composition of this Land.
Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years. All the major rivers of Asia have their origin in Tibet.
Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years. Bos grunniens, a long-haired, stocky, wild ox of Tibet is often domesticated as a beast of burden, for its milk, meat, and its butter which is used to light the butter lamps in Gompas, Tibetan Places of Worship.

Tibet is the highest plateau in the world and it came into existence when the landmass of India joined the Asian landmass. All the major rivers of Asia have their origin in Tibet. These rivers support the lives of about 2 billion human beings. The ecology of Tibet is critical in view of global warming and scarcity of water. It has been recorded and found that the rate of warming is faster in Tibet. The mountains are experiencing less snowfall, and the glaciers that feed the rivers are melting and fading away. The extraction of mineral resources, the exploitation of natural resources like forests, and hunting of unique, native animals, the construction of dams and barriers across rivers flowing in Tibet pose dangers to fragile Tibetan ecology. The problem of Tibet is not merely an environmental issue.  

What is the Problem of Tibet?  

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years. The United States Congress honored His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama with a Gold Medal during a ceremony in Washington,DC in 2007. President George W Bush, US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and US Senator Robert C Byrd are seen in the photo. Senator Byrd, the longest-serving member of the US Congress has died at the age of 92 after almost six decades in office. America has lost a voice of Principle and Reason. It is a time for us to reflect upon the Problem of Tibet.

Historically, Tibet has existed in a serene and unperturbed state for several centuries. Tibetan people are naturally born free and maintained their traditional sense of Freedom in spite of invasions by foreign forces. In October 1950, Communist China’s People’s Liberation Army invaded Tibetan soil and occupied it. This military occupation of Tibet poses a direct threat to Tibetan way of life; a direct threat to Tibetan Culture, Tibetan Religion, Tibetan Language, and the ethnic composition of the people of this Land. The problem of Tibet is not simply a concern about Human Rights and Religious Freedom. The Problem of Tibet involves Human Freedom and Human Dignity. Military occupation of Tibet is the very opposite of Human Freedom and Human Dignity.  

The Resolution of the Problem of Tibet:  

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years. The Flag of Tibet symbolizes the Resolution of the Problem of Tibet. Tibetans have the natural Right to Human Freedom and to live in Dignity.

I am not a “Separatist.” I am not seeking the Separation of Tibet from China. Tibet is not and has never been a part of China. Separation is not the issue. Tibet is seeking its own existence and its own identity. Tibet is not asking for a new identity or creation of a new state from Chinese territory. Tibet is not demanding a surgical operation to carve out a new nation from an existing nation known as People’s Republic of China. The Problem of Tibet simply relates to the military occupation of the Land of Tibet by China. This Problem could be resolved by the Eviction of the Occupier. It is just to demand such eviction of an illegal occupier. Military occupation is the cause of this Problem of Tibet and eviction of this military force is the resolution that I want in Tibet.  

Whole Dude – Whole Resolve – Whole Eviction: Tibet Consciousness – Tibet Problem on the Back Burner for over 70 years.

Published by WholeDude

Whole Man - Whole Theory: I intentionally combined the words Whole and Dude to describe the Unity of Body, Mind, and Soul to establish the singularity called Man.

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