The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness

The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. John 15:4

What it is to be a Substance? and What it is to Exist? We need to establish knowledge about the man on a firm basis and the information it provides must be tested for its accuracy and consistency with an external reality. We have to make the fundamental distinction between the living and the non-living matter. The scientific advances of the 19th and 20th centuries reinforced the materialistic position concerning the basic similarity of organic living and inorganic physical matter. The man is viewed as a product of natural evolution and is thought to be subject to the same laws of Physics and Chemistry or mechanistic principles.

We need a methodology to study philosophy and to understand philosophical statements. Logical Positivism, also known as Scientific Empiricism aims to clarify concepts in both everyday and scientific language. It describes analysis of language as the function of philosophy. This analysis of language and of concepts is important to understand questions of belief and ideology which affect what we think we ought to do individually and socially. I use this method of ‘Applied Philosophy’ to analyze the concept of Spiritual Optics, the Spiritual Connection between Energy and Life. The Laws of Thermodynamics are important unifying principles of Biology. The First Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Law of Conservation of Energy, states that Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Spiritual Optics accounts for the capacity of photoreception and the term Spiritual Light refers to the creation of Light by God to begin the designing of Matter described by Physics and Chemistry. I may not be able to discover the Purpose in my Life if I exist in Spiritual Darkness.


WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Happiness: Arthur Schopenhauer(1788-1860), German philosopher had famously stated: "It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else."
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German philosopher famously states, “It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”

The word happiness (noun) is about having, showing, or causing a feeling of great pleasure, contentment, and joy. The word glad implies a strong, exultant feeling of joy. Being cheerful requires a steady display of bright spirits or a condition of rejoicing. The term ‘bliss’ can be used to describe the perfect condition of total happiness and in the Indian language of Sanskrit the word “ANANDA” describes the perfect state of existence while experiencing pure happiness, joy, or bliss.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

It is easy to describe happiness while it could be difficult to find happiness. The reason is that of finding circumstances that favor or cause the feeling of happiness. The problem is, a man’s experience of happiness is affected by both external and internal conditions which could be beyond his control. The pursuit of happiness can be granted as a Constitutional Right and yet there is no guarantee that the man may find the happiness that he desires in his living experience.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

Arthur Schopenhauer states, “It is difficult to find happiness within oneself, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.” While happiness is an inner experience, it is formulated by the external circumstances found in a given place, at a given time, and in a given environment.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

Happiness cannot be discovered and people cannot find happiness until the external circumstances favor the experience of happiness. If the circumstances that do not favor the experience of happiness cannot be changed, the man experiences stress and has to use coping mechanisms to deal with those unhappy circumstances. The ability to cope with unhappy circumstances cannot be described as happiness. I am not inclined to suggest that Schopenhauer teaches a ‘pessimistic’ view of human existence. He places emphasis on human will and he considers that pleasure is simply the absence of pain.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

Schopenhauer lived a solitary life from 1831 until his death in 1860 and for about 28 years of his life he was resentful at the world’s failure to recognize his genius. Fortunately for him, his works received international recognition during the final years of his life and provided him the experience of some happiness.


WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Happiness: There is a fundamental problem with man's experience of happiness. Man has no choice other than that of interacting with the circumstances of a given environment in which he exists at any given time.
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: There is a fundamental problem with man’s experience of happiness. Man has no choice other than that of interacting with the circumstances of a given environment in which he exists at any given time.

Will is the term used in philosophy and psychology to describe the faculty of mind that may play a role to stimulate motivation of purposeful activity. Will is a motivating force and is related to other words such as wish, desire, appetite, impulse, choice, purpose, and it involves converting a thought into action. Will also includes the power of controlling one’s own actions.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

The Theory of the Will and the Freedom of the Will have been variously interpreted. Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes and Kant describe Will as personal faculty or function. Spinoza, Leibniz and Hume describe Will as the externalized result of the interaction of conflicting elements. Hobbes, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche describe Will as the manifestation of personality. The religious doctrine of Determinism does not affirm the reality of individual’s Will. Modern Psychology considers the concept of Will as unscientific and human actions are explained on the basis of unconscious motivation.

WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Happiness;
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: Arthur Schopenhauer describes the World as a constant conflict of individual ‘wills’ resulting in frustration and pain. Pleasure is simply the absence of pain and can be achieved only through the renunciation of desire. I may be able to control my desires and it may not defend me or prevent another individual exercising his Free Will to take action that will deny me the experience called Happiness. What is the Truth or What is the reality of Happiness?

During 1813-14, Schopenhauer was introduced to the teachings of Indian antiquity – the Indian Philosophy of the Vedas and their interpretations in texts called the Upanishads. It gives me a very good reason to share his views about human existence and about man’s purpose in life. Schopenhauer views the entire world is the representation of a single Will of which our individual wills are phenomena. He uses the word will to describe desire, striving, wanting, effort, and urging. Man is the expression of insatiable will to life. It is through the will that mankind finds all their suffering. Desire for more is what causes this suffering. Schopenhauer claims that our world is driven by a continually dissatisfied will that is continually seeking satisfaction. He tries to account for the world in all its significant aspects. He considers the pain and striving of the human condition and the possibility of deliverance from it.

WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Happiness: How to Find Happiness in Each Day of Human Existence??? Schopenhauer explained that human "WILL" exists outside Time, Space, and Causality.
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: How to Find Happiness in Each Day of Human Existence?  Schopenhauer explains that human “WILL” exists outside Time, Space, and Causality.

Schopenhauer agrees with Immanuel Kant about human perceptions of the world in which the man exists. But he equates Kant’s “thing-in-itself” with a blind impelling force manifesting itself in individuals as the “Will” to live. Schopenhauer’s most important work is “The World as Will and Idea” (1818-19) and a revised edition titled “The World as Will and Representation.”  His doctrine of the Primacy of the Will also emphasizes the irrationality of Will. The Will (“thing-in-itself”) is not perceivable as a presentation and it exists outside Time, Space, and Causality. He views inner experience as intuited through the Will as the most important form of experience. He tries to understand the relationship between human will and human body. The man can go beyond simple perception to know the ultimate reality called the “Will” through which man is compelled to act to express love, hate, desire, and rejection. Although the Will is entirely real, it is not free nor does it have any ultimate purpose. According to Schopenhauer, human will is all-consuming, pointless, and negative. There is also no escape from the Will as manifested in Nature; the expressions of Will are seen throughout the natural world as in the struggles of animals, the stirring of a seed, and the turning of a magnet. Schopenhauer comes to the conclusion that the purpose in life must be that of escaping the Will and its painful striving. The arts, especially the Art of Music with their “will-less perception” provide a temporary heaven. The only final escape is through the “turning of the Will against itself”, a mysterious process that results in Liberation by causing the sheer extinction of the Will.

Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness. Where and how to find happiness?

The Indian School of Thought called ‘The Karma – Yoga’ or ‘The Yoga of Action’ describes that the man has no choice and cannot avoid action and it recommends the renunciation of the desire to experience or tasting the fruits of one’s own actions.

WholeDude - Whole Designer - Whole Happiness:  In my view, Life cannot be explained on the basis of uncaused, self-caused, unguided, random, and spontaneous actions or events. Life, the striving, the desire, the 'Will' is action towards a goal. Most living functions of the human organism are performed by independent, autonomous units called cells that perform goal-oriented actions without the use of man's imagination or thought.
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: In my view, Life cannot be explained on the basis of uncaused, self-caused, unguided, random, and spontaneous actions or events. Life, the striving, the desire, the ‘Will’ is action towards a goal. Most living functions of the human organism are performed by independent, autonomous units called cells that perform goal-oriented actions without the use of man’s imagination or thought.

In my view, Life cannot be explained on the basis of uncaused, self-caused, unguided, random, and spontaneous actions or events. If Life has a goal or purpose, it primarily involves the striving or desire towards the goal or purpose to maintain the condition called existence. The human organism comprises of trillions of individual, independent, autonomous units called cells that perform the living functions without any assistance from the imagination or thought of the man who lives in the world because of those living functions. Human existence cannot be explained on the basis of human will to exist if that human will is dependent upon human thought and imagination. The human being does experience desires and the man indeed takes action to respond to those desires. However, the experience called happiness depends upon a factor called ‘Contentment’. It is the factor which determines the degree of gratification that is needed for producing the effect called ‘Satisfaction’. The man can choose to set the bar called Contentment at a high or low-level and experience the effect called Satisfaction while seeking the gratification of his desires. There is no “Whole Happiness” until there is Satisfaction of the desires. To conquer the insatiable enemy called DESIRE, to achieve the effect called SATISFACTION, the man must overcome the organs of sense perception, the mind and intellect which are the sitting places of Desire. In my view, there is “Whole Happiness” if and only if the man fully recognizes the existence of his relationship, partnership, connection, and association with an external source of “Whole Happiness.” I describe Spirit and Soul as the material principle that establishes man’s relationship with the external source of Happiness and thereby sustains man’s desire to live or to have life. The man is a Spiritual Being who can use his Spirit and Soul to exercise control over his mind, intellect, and senses to manage the feelings, the cravings, the urge, and the inner striving that could manifest as Free Will and provide the motivating power to translate thoughts into actions performed in the external world.

WholeDude - WholeDesigner - Whole Happiness: The word Sunshine means the light and heat from the Sun and Sunshine is used to describe the feeling of Cheerfulness and Happiness. To have a true or real experience of Happiness, man needs  an external source of Happiness.
The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness. Whole Dude – Whole Designer – Whole Happiness: The word Sunshine means the light and heat from the Sun and Sunshine is used to describe the feeling of Cheerfulness and Happiness. To have a true or real experience of Happiness, man needs an external source of Happiness.

Whole Happiness, Pure Joy, and Perfect Bliss is a condition that demands a connection, a relationship, a partnership, and the association between man and his external source of support that formulates the conditions of human existence. In other words, the man finds the experience of Sunshine, Cheerfulness, and Happiness under the influence of an external source of Whole Happiness.

What is Matter? and What is Spirit? If materialism is about the influence of material wealth, I would like to use the Power/Force/Energy called Money to talk about Life and Death. The Laws of Conservation are applicable to both the living, and the non-living matter. Hence, it can be stated that “Life can neither be created nor destroyed.” If any person can refute my claim using valid, scientific information, I would give the person a US $1,000 bill as a reward

Simon Cyrene

The Material Basis of Spirituality Science. Spiritual Optics. The Spiritual Connection between man and the Source of Happiness.

Published by WholeDude

Whole Man - Whole Theory: I intentionally combined the words Whole and Dude to describe the Unity of Body, Mind, and Soul to establish the singularity called Man.